”The strength of a society is measured not by the wealth of its most affluent members, but by how well its most vulnerable citizens are able to cope. The question we need to ask is whether everyone has the chance to lead a life of dignity.” 英語は苦手で正確には訳せませんが、「社会の強さとは、裕福な人々の富ではなく、最も弱い(立場の)市民がどのようによりよく暮らしていけるかで測れる。私たちが問われるのは、誰もが尊厳ある人生を送るチャンスがあるかどうか」。こうした考えを念頭に置いてまちづくりに進めていくことが、誰もが幸せを実感し、自己実現を図れる地域社会につながっていくと確信します。
【Multilingual Living Information website】
Do you have any trouble with your life in Japan? We are going to provide you a lot of information for your safety Japanese life using 13 languages .
【Fukuoka International Exchange Foundation<Kokusaihiroba>】
“Kokusaihiroba” is kind of organization for all Japanese and foreigner in Fukuoka prefecture.
“Kokusaihiroba”offers various activities as information center for foreign students and young Asian culture in addition to safety and comfortable Japanese life.